Blasty: An Anti-Piracy Tool

A few months ago I wrote an article about piracy. Unfortunately, many writers have to deal with the theft of their original work, when they could be enjoying the fruits of their hard labor. Monitoring whether your work has been pirated is tedious and robs you (no pun intended) of precious time that can be used for other things, including … more writing.

As I discussed in my piracy article, traditional publishers vehemently prosecute violations, while most independent authors do not have the luxury of enjoying a legal department to perform this task.

Recently, I learned about “Blasty,” an app that claims to “blast” any pirated works that appear on Google.This app can be used to monitor books, as well as music, blog articles and other work. The app is currently on Beta (FREE!). From their intro video, Blasty seems fairly straightforward to use. But is it effective?

I will be using Blasty in the coming weeks, and I will update this article with my feedback. I invite you to learn more about Blasty by clicking here.


Copyright © 2017 Yasmin Tirado-Chiodini. All Rights Reserved. This content is provided under a Creative Commons License.

About yasmintiradochiodini

I am a recovering rocket scientist, attorney, entrepreneur and author blogging about my writing, books, the business of being an author, and sporadic stuff.
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